Is Your Home Draft Proof?

The Efficiency Matrix can help you assess how draft proof your home is. All you need to do is answer a simple set of questions about your home. Efficiency Matrix will then compile a report on how well it scored based on the information you supply.

It looks at three main areas. The year it was constructed, what type of house it is and your heating/cooling system. Efficiency Matrix evaluates every home on an individual basis to identify potential areas for air leaks. Everything from exhaust fans to sliding doors with internal cavities is assessed to build the overall score.

With Efficiency Matrix you don’t have to be a builder. Most people know what their home is built from such as a timber or steel frame. All you need to do is walk around the home and count windows, doors, vents etc.

Once you’ve submitted the completed questionnaire, a report will be emailed back to you. This report will help you decide on what action to take next to correctly draft proof your home. It could also give you an important insight into how much additional energy your home may be consuming to compensate for any air leakage.